Confirmada la col.laboració amb la URV per millorar l'aprenentatge de l'anglès

Confirmada la col.laboració amb la URV per millorar l'aprenentatge de l'anglès

El passat Juliol vam confirmar amb els responsables de la URV que Everywheree English Coaching començarà a col.laborar amb projectes de Doctorat de la Universitat centrats en millorar l'aprenentatge d'idiomes.

Aquesta col.laboració suposarà  la incorporació de la Doctorant Lizzie Abderrahim com a professora a Everywhere English que s'encarregarà durant el curs que  s'incorporin i provin diferents mètodes innovadors amb l'objectiu de:

  • Fomentar la participació activa.
  • Millorar la capacitat de comprensió oral
  • Augmentar el domini verbal.
  • Augmentar la voluntat de comunicar pensaments i sentiments.
  • Fomentar la cooperació
  • Promoure una sensació de benestar i relaxació.
  • Fomentar l'ús de la imaginació i la creativitat.
  • Millorar la comprensió intercultural.

Descripció detallada del projecte


You might say that storytelling is fundamental to our existence - we’ve been telling stories to pass on our history and our traditions for thousands of years and whether we like to listen to someone tell a story, to watch a film or to read a book we all love a good story!

An ancient form of communication which today can adopt many different formats storytelling is essentially an oral tradition that requires us to listen, to use our memory and to speak and it has shown itself to be an effective tool in the language classroom. According to the British Councilstorytelling in the language classroom has many benefits, for example it can: 

• Encourage active participation.
• Enhance listening skills.
• Increase verbal proficiency.
• Increase willingness to communicate thoughts and feelings.
• Encourage cooperation.
• Promote a feeling of well-being and relaxation.
• Encourage use of imagination and creativity.
• Enhance intercultural understanding.

Digital Storytelling:

Digital storytelling is the process of creating a story using images, music and sounds, video clips, text, and narration choosing from a range of different technological tools. As with traditional storytelling it requires the storyteller toidentify characters, to develop a plot and to use a narrative voice to communicate the story but it will include additionalkey elements such as:

• the use of appropriate intonation and pauses to reflect and enhance the emotional content;
• the incorporation of music, sound effects, and visuals to support and reinforce the emotions of the narrative; and
• keeping visuals, sound, and text short and focused (three to five minutes long).

Digital stories can be created in a variety of ways. We can use basic software tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint or more complex tools such as Windows Movie Maker and there are a range of web based tools such as GoAnimate, Pixton, and StoryboardThat, but whichever tool is used the process allows the students to turn their narrative into a multidimensional experience and all the while encouraging them to communicate and collaborate.

The Research Project:

This project is focussed on the use of digital storytelling in the teaching of English and will be based at Everywhere English Coaching. It aims to identify the degree to which students areengaged and motivated by the use of specific digital storytelling tools and to evaluate the degree to which their communication skills are developed or enhanced. The project will be managed at Everywhere English Coaching by Lizzie Abderrahim and will be published by her as part of her doctoral thesis.

Lizzie Abderrahim:

Lizzie is a native English speaker with a Masters degree in Foreign Language Teaching from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili where she is a doctoral student supervised by Mar Gutierrez-Colon Plana. She is a member of research groupTeaching Languages with Technology (TeLaTech) and has been teaching English in Tarragona since 2014. 

Universitat Rovira I Virgili Doctoral Programme:

A Campus of International Excellence Southern Catalonia, the university devotes significant efforts and funds to achieving excellent education at doctoral level and in research and has achieved international recognition for the quality of its research, development, innovation, and knowledge and technology transfer through the award of ISO standard 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems. It is ranked 83 in the list of the 150 best universities in the world under the age of fifty by Times Higher Education World University Rankings achieving a significant impact in areas such as teaching, research and knowledge transfer. It is the third year running that URV has featured in this ranking, which has been conducted since 2012. The university also features in the Shanghai Ranking, an Academic Ranking of the World’s Universities, appearing for the first time in 2016.

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